
Microbial Diversity 2021
Advances in Microbial Diversity

Virtual Event

December 14-15, 2021

Videos and Poster submission

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Videos submission
The Scientific Committee  invites Authors to submit a Poster (max 3 mb, pdf format) and a MP4 format Video (max 10 mb) from november 19 to december 10, 2021. 
The poster and the video could be charged  from the reserved area of the site (starting from November 19th).
November 18th we will send a personal email with the link,  the username and password to access the reserved area.

Poster: 1080×1920 pixels (width x height) or set 62.26×110.69 cm in PowerPoint.
Video:  MP4 format Video (max 10 mb). No longer than 3 minutes.